Sen. Fetterman "agreed with the vast majority of" Schumer's Israel
Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA)
What was asked:
Do you agree with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that the current Israeli government needs to go?
Key Fetterman:
“That’s not my call. You know, my vote is right here in the United States Senate, and I’ve been very clear where that vote is gonna be,” Fetterman told the congressional press corps. “Any more than someone’s vote in Israel would be part of an American election.”
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s interview with Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Sen. John Fetterman
John Fetterman: “And if that means, you know, and it actually does mean going into war, I support that. And stop pretending that you’re gonna have any meaningful time of peace, if Hamas is allowed to operate.”
Reporter #1: “So do you think it was a mistake for Schumer to do what he did there?”
JF: “No, no. That’s a man that is my leader and is the highest-ranking Jewish man in history. So that carries a lot of weight. So, I’m not saying that it was a mistake. I’m saying, I agreed with the vast majority of what he said. And it was very courageous. And he said a lot of things that needed to be said. And that just doesn’t mean I agree with everything, 100% of it.”
Reporter #2: “Do you think Netanyahu should stay?”
JF: “That is not my — that’s not my call. You know, my vote is right here in the United States Senate, and I’ve been very clear where that vote is gonna be. Any more than someone’s vote in Israel would be part of an American election.”
Reporter #3: “Do you think that the majority of Democrats are with you on this issue?”
*Fetterman is not a vote counter — or, technically, a whip — so we ducked out of the scrum because a reporter was asking a senator to do their job for them…
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