Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT)
LISTEN: Laslo & Romney
Ask a Pol asks:
Are you gonna read former First Lady Melania Trump's new book?
Key Romney:
“Oh no, probably won't be able to fit that one in, I'm afraid,” Sen. Mitt Romney exclusively tells Ask a Pol through a hearty laugh.
Screengrab: former First Lady Melania Trump’s Instagram Sept. 18, 2024.
Caught her Instagram post?
“I heard about that, I didn't see it,” Romney told us.
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Mitt Romney
SCENE: After voting in the US Capitol, Mitt Romney and an aide are rushing to his awaiting car so the senator can catch a train when Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo catches him briefly.
Matt Laslo: “Are you gonna read Melania Trump's book?”
Mitt Romney: “Oh no, probably won't be able to fit that one in, I'm afraid.”
Romney’s aide: “We’ve got a train to ride.”
ML: “How much — did you catch her Instagram?”
MR: “Pardon me?”
ML: “Did you catch her Instagram about her former nude modeling?”
MR: “I heard about that, I didn't see it.”
ML: “No?”
Both laugh.
ML: “She called the media out for not appreciating the human body. Have a good one.”
Laslo repeats: “I didn't see it.”
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