Elizabeth Warren says TikTok unfairly singled out: "we need rules across the board that apply to all social media"
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
Should the Senate follow the House of Representative’s lead and pass legislation forcing TikTok to divest?
LISTEN: Laslo & Warren
Key Warren:
“We need rules across the board that apply to all social media, not simply to one company,” Warren said. “Threats to our kids, threats to our elections — are threats regardless of who poses them.”
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s interview with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Elizabeth Warren
SCENE: Warren’s, basically, answering the question Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo had for her, so — through eye contact and sliding onto their elevator — he seamlessly piggy backs on the conversation without interrupting.
Elizabeth Warren: “We have to see the details of what’s proposed. There is good reason to be concerned about the Chinese government’s interference with our social media, but we need rules across the board that apply to all social media, not simply to one company. Threats to our kids, threats to our elections — are threats regardless of who poses them.”
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